Ep 256: Three Things Every Girl Needs to Know and More with Kari Kampakis

We discovered Tabitha Brown on social media during the pandemic and she truly was one of the brightest lights during that time. She has continued to be one of our favorite follows and one of our favorite voices in the world…speaking so much good and hope and bringing so much SUNSHINE! You have got to hop over to Youtube to watch this one, to see us grinning from ear to ear during this conversation. She has a new children’s book our called Hello There, Sunshine! hat you’re going to want to buy for every little person in your life. It is just as full of light as she is. And now, as Tab says, “You have a great day….and if you can't don’t go messing up nobody else's." 

If you enjoyed this episode, check these out!

Ep 64: Navigating the Tough Seasons of Motherhood with Kari Kampakis

Ep 160: Parenting Teenagers and Beyond with Kristen Hatton

Ep 207: Strengthening the Mother/Daughter Connection with Sandra Stanley/

Allie Stanley Cooney

Raising Girls Spotify Playlist


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