Episode 112: Single Parenting After Loss

We are delighted to share this conversation with someone we respect, admire and trust. Holly Singletary is a mom of four (including twin boys!), who became a widow when her children were very young. She offers such wisdom in parenting after loss, and finding strength as a single mom. Prepare to be encouraged as you listen in on this rich conversation. 

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Episode 111: Parenting Out of Love, Not Fear

Cindy Morgan is a two-time Grammy nominee, a thirteen-time Dove winner and a recipient of the prestigious Songwriter of the Year trophy. We cannot wait for you to listen in on this conversation with Cindy, to hear the grace and vulnerability that are always a part of her words, whether they’re in song, page, or conversation.

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Episode 110: Helping Kids Find Resilience with Rebekah Lyons

We talk a lot about building resilience into kids in our offices. It felt timely and important to share a conversation with our friend, Rebekah Lyons, about her new book, Building a Resilient Life: How Adversity Awakens Strength, Hope, and Meaning. We talked about turning toward anxiety and not away from it, and even what that looks like in the context of parenting.

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Episode 109: Using Affirmations to Help Kids See Their Value with Jazmyn Simon and Dulé Hill

Actors, activists, and parents, Dulé Hill and Jazmyn Simon, are dedicated to making all children feel and understand their importance in the world. In their new tender picture book, Repeat After Me: Big Things to Say Everyday, they tell children about the magic of self-love and standing firm, regardless of outside voices and doubt. We are so excited to share this conversation with you!

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Episode 106: Raising Kids Who Turn Into Great Grown-Ups

Our Parents in the Trenches this week are especially important to Sissy—as they’re her nephew Witt’s godparents! J.T. and Catherine Martin also happen to be two of the most intentional parents AND friends we know! Can’t wait for you to listen in on this conversation about parenting kids with ADHD, anxiety and everything in between.

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Episode 100: How to Have Conversations About Race with Kids

For students navigating a time of racial hostility, and for the adults and educators who care for them, Austin Channing Brown’s latest book for kids based on her best-selling memoir, I’m Still Here, is an empowering look at the experiences of young Black kids, illustrating how we can nourish identity and make sense of how we each fit into the world.

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Episode 97: Our Favorite Tools for Anxious Kids

Almost every parent that sits in Sissy's or David’s office asks for tools to help their with anxiety. So in this episode they talk about things we can do to keep kids emotionally healthy in a proactive, and not just reactive way. And Melissa’s Timeless Truth reminds us of the Friend who is always there to help us in any situation.

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Episode 94: Giving Up Parenting Control

We’re so excited to introduce you this week to two more of our favorite people! (Can you tell how much we love having a podcast and sharing with you some of the voices we trust the most?) Well, here are two more…Betsy and Gene Cashman. Betsy was a therapist at Daystar before their family relocated to Memphis, where Gene is in healthcare and they’re raising four amazing kids. We love the wisdom and grace these two bring not only to this conversation, but to our lives.

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