Episode 171: Parenting Young Adults and the very Best Thing to Say to a Teenager with Kelly Corrigan

This week on the podcast—y’all—we have one of the people who has been at the top of our hopes list for YEARS. Maybe even a decade. If you’re not familiar with Kelly Corrigan’s work, please buy one—or all—of her books right now! Tell Me More, Glitter and Glue, The Middle Place, Lift, and a children’s book called Hello World.

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Episode 170: Parenting Through Infertility, Loss and Adolescence

What a tremendous honor it is to introduce you to two people we love and respect dearly, Kendra and John Allen. Kendra and John are two of the wisest, most thoughtful people and parents we know, who also happen to both be therapists. We’re so grateful to share with you this important conversation about infertility, loss, adolescence, and all of the things in between.

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Episode 169: Parenting Through Limitations with Sara Hagerty

We have been hearing about our new friend, Sara Hagerty for quite some time from so many friends we love and trust, and we finally got to meet and have a conversation with her just a few weeks ago. Sara is a mom of 7 kids—yes, you read that correctly! She is deeply kind, thoughtful, wise, and peppers her words with so much grace.

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Episode 168: Understanding the Differences Between Boys and Girls with Dr. Michael Gurian

We are seriously losing our minds over this podcast episode. Dr. Michael Gurian has been one of our go-to sources for boys and girls and development as long as we’ve been in practice. We were thrilled to get to meet him over zoom and he was every bit as wise and thoughtful and wonderful as we imagined.

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Episode 164: Parenting Adolescents and Young Adults with Jennie Allen

How many of you have been a part of an IF:Gathering over the years? We have long admired the difference our new friend, Jennie Allen, is making in the world in so many spaces—books, podcasts, events and more--and were thrilled to get to have a conversation with her.

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Episode 163: Building Awareness and Creating Change around Racism for Today’s Kids

We talk so often about how concerned we are about the division in our world today. Division, intolerance, conflict, a lack of civility and sometimes even just a lack of awareness. We love getting to have a podcast for many reasons, but maybe at the top is that we get to learn from voices we respect and trust. Shanera Williamson is one of those voices.

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Episode 160: Parenting Teenagers and Beyond with Kristen Hatton

Our friend, Kristen Hatton has released a great book called Parenting Ahead: Preparing Now for the Teen Years. Kristen helps parents of young children lay the groundwork so that having honest conversations, setting reasonable limits, and exploring issues of the heart becomes a part of the family culture, preparing both them and their kids for the next stage. 

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Episode 159: Preparing Your Kids and Yourself for the Teenage Years with Lisa Damour

It is one of our very favorite things to get to talk with folks in our field who we admire greatly, only to find out we also REALLY like them. Dr. Lisa Damour was one of those people. We loved every second of our conversation with her and are confident you will, too.

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Episode 154: Parenting through Hurt with Hope with Toni Collier

Over this past year, we have had the delight of getting to know the delightful Toni Collier. Toni is a mom, author, speaker, and the founder of an international women’s ministry called Broken Crayons Still Color, which also happens to be the name of her newest book

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Episode 153: Raising Boys and Girls Live with Jay and Katherine Wolf

It has been so fun sharing with you conversation from our friends who joined us on the Raising Boys and Girls Live Podcast tour. And those of you who got to come to Atlanta had the grace of getting to hear from two of our favorite people on the planet, Katherine & Jay Wolf from Hope Heals!

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